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Emergency Contacts for immediate action

We have included some useful emergency contact numbers that may help you in a moment of crisis

Emergency Telephone Numbers

Please note that BetterU is not an emergency service or 24-hour accessible service. Please find a list of mental health emergency contact numbers and support lines across the UK and Ireland, broken down by region:

North of Ireland:

Lifeline (24/7 crisis helpline):

0808 808 8000

Samaritans (24/7 emotional support):

116 123

Aware (Depression and anxiety support):

0845 120 2961

Childline (Support for children and young people):

0800 1111

Republic of Ireland:

Samaritans (24/7 emotional support):

116 123

Pieta House (Suicide and self-harm support):

1800 247 247

Aware (Depression and anxiety support):

1800 80 48 48

Childline (Support for children and young people):

1800 66 66 66


Breathing Space (Mental health crisis helpline):

0800 83 85 87

Samaritans (24/7 emotional support):

116 123

NHS 24 (For urgent mental health support):


SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health):

0141 530 1000


Samaritans (24/7 emotional support): 

116 123

CALL Helpline (Community Advice and Listening Line): 

0800 132 737

Mind Cymru (Mental health support):

 0300 123 3393

Hafal (Support for people with serious mental illness): 

01792 816600


Samaritans (24/7 emotional support): 

116 123

NHS 111 (For urgent mental health support)


Mind (Mental health support): 

0300 123 3393

CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably – for men): 

0800 58 58 58